What makes
Vrudhi Kashaya Immunity Powder
Vrudhi Kashaya powder is a simple preparation from the House hold Kitchens of Bharath. Simple spices like Turmeric, Pepper and few other ingredients from household kitchens are anti-inflammatory, and offer protection against various infections easing symptoms.
We have users who love to sip on it as their morning/ evening drink that gives them soothing effect.
We have users who rely on this Kashaya when they sense that they are about to catch cold, cough and other symptoms that make them feel sick . This is their Go-To pack that eases them with their symptoms. This can replace your early morning Hot drink too..

Chandrani Pal –
I used Kashaya Powder when I was suffering from cold, ear infection and mild fever. It provided instant relief from the ear pain and fever. After using almost a week, it helped me to recover from the ailment which I was struggling with over a month.